For Genesis Validator


This document is written for FirmaChain’s Genesis Validators, and if you are indeed a Genesis Validator participant, please be sure to double check your gentx submission deadline and the starting time of the Colosseum mainnet. In order to submit your gentx file to the FirmaChain team, please do so after updating your binary file to the most recent version. ‘Deadline’ and the ‘Mainnet Launch’ schedule is as follows.

  • Mainnet will launch on 01/26/2022 14:00 UTC.

  • The deadline to submit your gentx is 01/19/2022 14:00 UTC.

* To submit your gentx file to the FirmaChain team, please follow the steps listed below.

Setup FirmaChain

If you have a previous record of operating a node and hence have a .firmachain folder, we recommend you delete the existing folder and start from scratch.

rm -rf ~/.firmachain

Download FirmaChain’s most recent binary file.

cd ~
curl | bash

Check the binary build version and the integrity before setting global command.

./firmachaind version
sha1sum ./firmachaind

sudo mv ~/firmachaind /usr/local/bin/firmachaind

Initialize(Reset) your firmachain node folder using the command provided below.

firmachaind init <your_moniker_name> --chain-id colosseum-1

Retrieve your wallet using your mnemonic.

firmachaind keys add <key_name> --recover --coin-type 7777777
> Enter your bip39 mnemonic
glad music grace lawn squeeze book very text wire okay ozone morning permit tumble guard hurry various gallery kitten surprise brain piano level picture

Enter keyring passphrase: XXXXXXXX
Re-enter keyring passphrase: XXXXXXXX

- name: firmatester
  type: local
  pubkey: ''
  mnemonic: ""

If you do not have a mnemonic or if you are creating a new wallet, please use the following command.

firmachaind keys add <key_name> --coin-type 7777777

Register Genesis account

firmachaind add-genesis-account <your_wallet_address> 10000000ufct

Please check whether the <your_wallet_address> value is identical to the address you submitted during the KYC process. * When registering a genesis account, for the amount field, you MUST enter 10000000ufct. If a different amount was put in, please start again by resetting your folder.

Create gentx file (★)

firmachaind gentx <key_name> 10000000ufct --chain-id colosseum-1 \
--commission-rate 0.1 \
--commission-max-rate 0.2 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.1 \
--moniker <moniker_name> \
--website <website_link> \
--details <description> \
--security-contact <email> \
--identity <key base 64bit code>

"Keybase 64bit code" can be found through this link.

Check gentx file

If all of the above steps were completed without any error, you will be able to find a json file starting with ‘gentx-’ in the ~/.firmachain/config/gentx/ path.

  "body": {
    "messages": [
        "@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",
        "description": {
          "moniker": "test-node",
          "identity": "",
          "website": "",
          "security_contact": "",
          "details": "hello world\\n"
        "commission": {
          "rate": "0.100000000000000000",
          "max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
          "max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
        "min_self_delegation": "1",
        "delegator_address": "firma1qvrmp6hyyveds0vgenc5hjy0qtrc76hy33fadr",
        "validator_address": "firmavaloper1qvrmp6hyyveds0vgenc5hjy0qtrc76hy0zzxdd",
        "pubkey": {
          "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
          "key": "Vlow94hC+SC2sOb0mHuoxGXG/nfzboWK5HfjFSBJE88="
        "value": {
          "denom": "ufct",
          "amount": "10000000"
    "memo": "1157a6860320735421d7ef49a12b86e27727827d@",
    "timeout_height": "0",
    "extension_options": [],
    "non_critical_extension_options": []
  "auth_info": {
    "signer_infos": [
        "public_key": {
          "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
          "key": "AlnRwPXCoLNNTrFDZHmmosFwxsSB6ovibUF16zvAE7S+"
        "mode_info": {
          "single": {
            "mode": "SIGN_MODE_DIRECT"
        "sequence": "0"
    "fee": {
      "amount": [],
      "gas_limit": "200000",
      "payer": "",
      "granter": ""
  "signatures": [

Create pull request

You must submit the gentx file to the FirmaChain team as a pull request to the directory. * Please change the file name to "vaildator_name.json" and submit it.

Download genesis.json (★)

After collecting the gentx from our genesis validators, we will share a consolidated genesis.json file via mainnet git. Genesis validators should download the consolidated file.


Replace genesis.json

mv ./genesis.json ~/.firmachain/config/genesis.json

Node configuration file

You must modify your configuration file in order for you to join the FirmaChain network.

Change Minimum gas prices

Firstly, look at ~/.firmachain/config/app.toml file. You can reject any incoming transaction that is lower than the minimum gas price.

sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = "0stake"/minimum-gas-prices = "0.1ufct"/g' ~/.firmachain/config/app.toml

P2P options

Firstly, look at ~/.firmachain/config/config.toml file. FirmaChain discloses information on seed nodes for the purpose of P2P connection. Details are available on github.

###           P2P Configuration Options             ###

# example:
external_address = ""

# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = "seed list"

Input your 'external address'

external_address = "your_external_address:26656"

Seed list (copy seeds),,

Start FirmaChain

firmachaind start

Register as daemon (Optional)

It is absolutely crucial that the FirmaChain nodes remain active at all times. The simplest solution would be to register this as a system. After a reboot or any other type of event, the service registered on the system will be activated and hence, FirmaChain will be able to start the operation of the nodes.

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/firmachaind.service > /dev/null <<EOF  
Description=Firmachain Node

ExecStart=$(which firmachaind) start



Now you are all set to operate FirmaChain using daemon. Please join our network using the command provided below.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart firmachaind

Last updated